When the soil has dried up enough and no longer sticks to the blade of the shovel when you dig, then it's time to start!
Start by improving the soil of the existing soil by mulching cow manure or chicken manure.
If the soil is compact and hard, it is good to turn over compost or bark soil, to get a looser soil. Work easily with our Spade and Fork Deluxe. Both make the job easier for you, with their low weight (1.4 kg each) you will avoid tired arms and shoulders.
Finish by raking and leveling the surface. To help you, you have our Rake Deluxe.
Your kitchen garden are now ready for sowing and planting.
Eager to sow something right away? Some vegetable seeds that can withstand a little lower temperature in the soil are; radish, peas, broad bean and spinach. Lay the rake down against the ground if you want straight and nice rows when you sow (the shaft gives a straight impression in the ground).